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marimo is a reactive Python notebook: run a cell or interact with a UI element, and marimo automatically runs dependent cells (or marks them as stale), keeping code and outputs consistent and preventing bugs before they happen. Every marimo notebook is stored as pure Python, executable as a script, and deployable as an app.

Built from the ground up

marimo was built from the ground up to solve well-known problems associated with traditional notebooks.

pip install marimo && marimo tutorial intro
uv pip install marimo && marimo tutorial intro
conda install -c conda-forge marimo && marimo tutorial intro

Developer experience is core to marimo, with an emphasis on reproducibility, maintainability, composability, and shareability.


A reactive programming environmentΒΆ

marimo guarantees your notebook code, outputs, and program state are consistent. This solves many problems associated with traditional notebooks like Jupyter.

A reactive programming environment. Run a cell and marimo reacts by automatically running the cells that reference its variables, eliminating the error-prone task of manually re-running cells. Delete a cell and marimo scrubs its variables from program memory, eliminating hidden state.

Compatible with expensive notebooks. marimo lets you configure the runtime to be lazy, marking affected cells as stale instead of automatically running them. This gives you guarantees on program state while preventing accidental execution of expensive cells.

Synchronized UI elements. Interact with UI elements like sliders, dropdowns, dataframe transformers, and chat interfaces, and the cells that use them are automatically re-run with their latest values.

Interactive dataframes. Page through, search, filter, and sort millions of rows blazingly fast, no code required.